This day I will release a new level of My Glory into the house that is passion ecclesia. I’m giving you a home in this place for a season. As a place of coordination for rescues of those in trouble so it My church to be in this place. The reach is broader than one county, one small town. It is broader than many of you have envisioned. It is broader than you have expected it to be. This day I will begin the process of engaging you with it and doing things in your midst that you would never have expected. The angels have been invited and they are awaiting your arrival. My blessing will be upon the work of that place and on those who work there. My blessing will be upon the family of passion ecclesia that I am building for this time in Rowan County. Engage the angel of that county and of the city of Salisbury for you are to coordinate with them on what to do in that place and how to go about the things I have for you and for those of passion ecclesia in this time. I wish to invade your midst with a level of Glory that astounds and raise the level of expectation of everyone involved for, “What is going to happen next?”
Release My Glory in that house – in that place. Create in that place a portal of My Glory! Create in that place a dwelling of My Presence. You may say, “But it is not our building?” Oh, but yes it is! If you have paid taxes in this county you have shared in the ownership of it. You are a stakeholder and because of that you have a right to be here and you are give Me the right to be with you. As you invite Me, I will come. I WILL come! I WILL COME!
I have granted the favor for this place in this time. Sanctify it unto the purposes I have in mind. Sanctify it for this time in the earth and in this city! For I have heard a crying out for My presence in this place and surely I will oblige! Surely I will come! Surely I will meet with you as you ascend to Me.
Create a new dynamic in this county in this time. A dynamic of stepping into the realms of Heaven and being seated with Me. Just as Moses and the seventy-elders and the companions sat down with Me and shared a meal, so come and sit down with Me. Let us share a meal together! Come hungry! Come now!